School: Lyman High; Seminole County

Theme: Circus




Dual DJ setup

The I-Beam Truss Structure

Over 300′ of gold and red drape

Circus Marquee letters


Circus String Lights

Circus Tent Swags


4SO Crew:

DJ: DJCraziAce (inside); Alex Chang (outside)

Lighting: Monica, Derek

Drapery: Aime, Alex

Photobooth: Chad

Photos: Monica

Videos: Aime


Fun fact: This is officially Lyman’s biggest setup ever! We loved making this truss setup larger than life but swagging the drapes and string lights from the ceiling itself!


Pics and video below!




Outside dance floor:

Lyman 2018 Homecoming Outside Dance Floor

Main dance floor:

Lyman 2018 Homecoming Main Dance Floor